10m 10sLenght

These are the Top 3 Easter Eggs in Zombies In Spaceland that we have not found yet! Follow Me :D -► https://twitter.com/CODZombies_HQ NEW CHANNEL - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2X3qfwluZd4 In this video we will be going over three un found Easter Eggs in Zombies in Spaceland. These Easter Eggs have every indication that they exist on the map, but we have not found out the exact method of completing them yet. The Zombies Space helmet Easter Egg looks like there may a trigger for it as well as a high rounds component. The soul key super Easter Egg may be able to be completed right now, but if not we will have to return to Zombies In Spaceland to complete this cross map Easter Egg. The Pack-A-Puck ritual circle Easter Egg has perplexed the community for some time now, all we have to do is figure out how to spawn in those yeti eyes! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Website....................►http://www.codzombieshq.com/ Twitter......................►https://twitter.com/CODZombies_HQ Twitch......................► https://www.twitch.tv/codzombieshq -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks so much for watching!