10m 46sLenght

FIlmed and edited by Aidan Koper. As part of the 'All Star Buskers' DVD. www.thespacecowboy.com The Space Cowboy performs a verity of acts ranging from stylish circus stunts, to crazy freakshow feats. He is the only person to ever have won the Street Performance World Championships two years in a row. His street act involves double whip cracking, sword swallowing, and the grand finally is three spectacular stunts on top of a 3m (9foot) unicycle the last stunt is juggling three dangerous objects blind-folded! Check out his other shows!!! Countries The Space Cowboy has performed: Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Africa, Germany, France, Holland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, England, Scotland, Finland, Ireland, America, Canada, Croatia, Italy, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Iceland, Belgium, Turkey, Spain, Korea, Hong Kong, China, and Japan... and more. Performance styles: Freakshow, circus & mental magic. Skills: Sword swallowing, neon tube swallowing, knife throwing, whip cracking, 7 ball juggling, unicyclist (3m tall unicycle), hat manipulation, acrobatics, knife thrower, Escape artist, stunt performer, mentalism, hypnotist, thought reading, spoon bending, and many other exciting and original circus and sideshow stunts (Some too bizarre to describe in print). Awards: -Six times 'Guinness World Record' Champion -Street performance World Champion (Dublin, Ireland. 2006 & 2007) -Street performer of the year 1998-2006 ('Three Weeks' Edinburgh Festival Magazine). Winner of the 'Markus Markoni Public Award' (Voted most original act of the festival)- Rotterdam Straatfestival 1999 The Space Cowboy is such an artist. The Cowboy, sometimes known as Chayne Hultgren, is an Australian juggler, unicyclist and sword-swallower. (Although, having also temporarily ingested fluorescent lightbulbs, his swallowing rarely discriminates.) If such antics tilt towards the repulsive, you forgive him for his charisma. I've seen crowds cluster around his riveting performance - building from juggling manoeuvres through increasingly funny audience interaction and steaming towards his signature crescendo - and I've never seen anyone walk away before it's over. If you haven't seen someone riding a 10ft-high unicycle while juggling a knife, a flaming torch and a sickle - all while blindfolded - such feats are set to shock and delight anyone. TMC News (Dublin, Ireland)