43m 51sLenght

The name "Milky Way" seems so kind and sweet, in fact, the Milky Way galaxy - a cold silent giant. She is just one of billions, and we live on the edge of it. Only recently we learned that it faced two other galaxies. This tapestry of bright sun and dust covering everything. It is a place of extremes, where the stars are lazy swim or fly at speeds of millions of km / hour ... Milky Way - the galaxy that contains Earth, the solar system and all the individual stars that are visible to the naked eye. It refers to the barred spiral alaxies.Milky Way with the Andromeda Galaxy (M31) galaxy Triangulum (M33), and more than 40 dwarf satellite galaxies - and his Andromeda - forming the Local Group of galaxies, which is part of the Local Supercluster (Virgo supercluster). Galaxy diameter is about 30,000 parsecs (about 100 000 light-years, 1 quintillion kilometers) at an estimated average thickness of about 1000 light-years. The galaxy contains, at the lowest estimate, about 200 billion stars (current estimate ranges from 200 to 400 billion a range of assumptions). Most of the stars is in the form of a flat disk. Most of the mass of the Galaxy is contained not in the stars and interstellar gas, and in the non-luminous halo of dark matter. In 2016, Japanese astrophysicists reported finding in the galactic center giant black hole of the second. This black hole is located 200 light-years from the Milky Way's center. The observed astronomical object with cloud occupies an area of space diameter of 0.3 light-years, and its weight is 100 thousand solar masses. While it is not established that the nature of the object - a black hole or another object. Possible collision of our galaxy with other galaxies, including with such large, as the Andromeda Galaxy, but the specific prediction is not possible because of lack of knowledge of the transverse velocity of extragalactic objects.According to published in the September 2014 data, according to one of the models through 4 billion years the Milky Way "absorb" the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, and in 5 billion years, he will be consumed by Andromeda Stars and planets, galaxies, moons, asteroids and meteorites - everything about space and space objects on our channel "universe". The most complete collection of documentary films about space, its structure and life. Watch every day new documentaries about the universe, penetrate into all the mysteries of outer space and find out all mysteries of the universe! We reveal all the secrets of the cosmos and the universe, mysteries of the solar system and galaxy. All of the most stunning objects in the Universe - pulsars, quasars, black holes, planets giants and terrestrial planets will reveal to you its secrets. You will get acquainted closer with the planets Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Mercury and other planets with strange galaxies and their satellites. Do not forget to tell about the planet Earth and its satellite, the moon. The documentaries offers stunning Hubble Space Telescope images and terrestrial telescopes, to help develop the science of astronomy, interesting space exploration, observation of the stars, constellations and star of the sun. We also try to answer the question whether there is extraterrestrial life, UFO with aliens, and where space may be other civilizations. We put an end to disputes about the matter, and the infinity of time. The first look at neutrinos and dark matter. We learn about the mortal danger posed by asteroids, meteorites, meteors and comets for life in the universe created by the Big Bang. Milky Way, Andromeda, a spiral galaxy, space, stars, universe, galaxy, galaxies, the big bang, the constellation, planet, planets, solar system, moon, ufo, aliens, extraterrestrials, Earth, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto , Mercury, astronaut, rocket, meteor, comet, astronomy, matter, quasars, telescope, meteor, infinity, Sun, Hubble, an asteroid, a documentary film, a black hole, neutrinos, dark matter, atmosphere, climate, radiation