

  • Distances: Crash Course Astronomy #25

    How do astronomers make sense out of the vastness of space? How do they study things so far away? Today Phil talks about distances, going back to early ...


  • Introductory Astronomy: Parallax, the Parsec, and Distances

    Video lecture that discusses the concept of parallax, the unit of the parsec, and how astronomers can determine the distances to the most nearby stars.


  • Stellar parallax | Stars, black holes and galaxies | Cosmology & Astronomy | Khan Academy

    Another version of the stellar parallax introduction. Created by Sal Khan. Watch the next lesson: ...


  • How Do Astronomers Measure Distance?

    Since astronomers can't actually travel to a star, they rely on two ingenious methods to measure a star's distance from earth. Watch BrainStuff break down the ...


  • How Do We Measure the Distance to Stars? - Instant Egghead #46

    The answer lies in the tiny shifts we see in a star's position as Earth revolves around the sun. Scientific American contributor Christopher Crockett explains.


  • Astronomy: Parallax

    The definition of parallax and how it is used to find the distances to nearby stars.


  • Measuring large distances in astronomy by parallax/triangulation

    Free notes on distance measurement can be copied from here: The measurement or often the estimation of distance is one of the hardest ...


  • Stellar distance using parallax | Cosmology & Astronomy | Khan Academy

    Stellar Distance Using Parallax. Created by Sal Khan. Watch the next lesson: ...


  • Parallax in observing stars | Cosmology & Astronomy | Khan Academy

    Parallax in Observing Stars. Created by Sal Khan. Watch the next lesson: ...


  • Stellar parallax clarification | Cosmology & Astronomy | Khan Academy

    Supermassive Black Holes. Created by Sal Khan. Watch the next lesson: ...


  • Stellar parallax

    A simple animation showing how stellar parallax is used to measure distances in astronomy. The python script for generating these frames is available here: ...


  • Stellar Parallax -- Starlight

    Part on a the Stellar Parallax documentary. Very well narrated.


  • Astronomy - Measuring Distance, Size, and Luminosity (9 of 30) Distance using parallax angle

    Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will find distances of far away stars using angle of parallex.


  • Parallax - A Level Physics

    A desciption of stellar parallax which enables distances to nearby stars to be calculated.


  • Teach Astronomy - Parallax Parallax is the shift of angle when something is observed from two different perspectives. If you hold your finger out in front of ...


  • Astronomy with Skynet: Cosmic Distance Ladder I: Parallax

    Skynet University: Use Our Telescopes from Anywhere! Astronomy with Skynet: Our Place In Space! Lab 4: Cosmic Distance ...


  • Stellar Parallaxes - How to measure stellar distances with the Gaia satellite

    subtitles available in German, Spanish, Catalan, and Italian). This video explains how stellar distances are measured with the Gaia satellite using the parallax ...


  • Stellar Parallax

    This animation shows (in an exaggerated fashion) the effects that the Earth's orbital motion around the Sun has on apparant star position.


  • Geocentric And Heliocentric Stellar Parallax Equivalence Animation

    Animations to show mirror image science.


  • Astronomy 101: Aberration of Starlight and Stellar Parallax

    Skynet University: Use Our Telescopes From Anywhere! Astronomy 101: The Solar System Lesson 2: Copernican Revolution ...


  • Stellar Parallax

    This animation shows (in an exaggerated fashion) the effects that the Earth's orbital motion around the Sun has on apparent star position. Notice how some stars ...


  • Teach Astronomy - Parallax Distance The first direct estimate of stellar distances used geometry. In 1838, Friedrich Bessel measured the parallax of the bright star ...


  • Astrophysics - Distance - parallax method (1/3) - (IB Physics, GCSE, A level, AP)

    Parallax, parsec, astronomical unit For free videos and study notes, as well as online revision courses, go to


  • Stellar Parallax

    Annimation showing six month parallax for nearby stars.


  • No Stellar Parallax On Flat Earth - Oakley Video Log 65

    If the stars are at different distances why would they travel in a group? They couldn't! They do because the earth does not spin. The Earth is stationary. The stars ...


  • The Parallax Activity: Measuring the Distances to Nearby Stars

    Determining the position of a star or other object in three-dimensional space is an important concept in astronomy. Finding stellar longitude (called right ...


  • Parsec - Sixty Symbols

    Why do astronomers use parsecs instead of light-years? And what is parallax? More physics at


  • Galileo Astronomy Observations Parallax

    This video briefly discusses astronomy observations made around 1600, especially Galileo's observations of the Moon, Jupiter's Satellites, and the phases of ...


  • Geometric Technique called Parallax

    NASA Connect segment explaining how scientists determined the distance between the earth and the sun. The video also explores the geometric technique ...


  • Stellar Parallax


  • Astronomy - Ch. 17: The Nature of Stars (7 of 37) Using Angle of Parallax to Find Distances

    Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will explain how the angle of parallax is used to find the distances of stars.


  • What Is A Parsec?

    Have you ever heard astronomers use the term "parsec" to describe distances in space? More importantly, have you ever heard that the Millennium Falcon can ...


  • Stellar Parallax in the Concave Earth?

    Step out of the matrix of pseudo-science. Enter inside the concave earth with a glass sky and see things from God's point of view. The Concave Earth ...


  • The Parallax Paradox

    Digging into the subject of why we can experience parallax on Earth easily but yet have a difficult time trying to observe it in space.


  • Geocentric Stellar Parallax Explained Animation

    Animations to show mirror image science.


  • Comet ISON Parallax Looking at it from a Different Perspective (by Astronomy Live)

    From messierhunter (uploaded with permission) "Hopefully this clears up some of the confusion surrounding these images. Hat tip to Nataylor for the inspiration ...


  • Stellar Parallax

    These are perhaps my 2 favorite programs relating to Outer space. They are short, and quickly to the point. Important note: Program 2 begins at 18:20 on the ...


  • Stellar Parallax and the Celestial Sphere

    This animation shows the effects that the Earth's orbital motion around the Sun would have on the celestial sphere. The absence of any such effects was taken ...


  • Heliocentric Stellar Parallax Explained Animation

    Animations to show mirror image science.


  • trigonometry and parallax

    using trigonometry and parallax angles to find distances, includes examples from astronomy.


  • ASTR 1P01, CLIP 53: Stellar Parallax and Objections to the Heliocentric Model


  • Stellar Parallax: The Distance to Stars - David Rives

    Stellar Parallax: The Distance to Stars We know that distant stars and galaxies are incredibly far away, and scientists have attempted to measure that distance ...


  • What is Stellar Parallax?

    Ep 2 - a description of parallax and how it's used by astronomers.


  • Stellar Parallax Trigonometry

    yabba dabba don't.


  • Astronomy 001 Video 15 - Parallax

    An introduction to Stellar Parallax, brought to you by PSU UP campus course Astronomy 001, Section 005.


  • 03 Stellar parallax 05 Parsec definition


  • PARALLAX and PARADOX (Flat Earth Reflection...)

    Just some honest reflection on the Flat Earth topic as a whole, some recent "FE model conundrums", and the zetetic/Biblical pursuit of Truth... This started out as ...


  • Parallax in the Hubble Images of Comet ISON - By Astronomy Live

    Video mirrored with permission of Astronomy Live The raw fits files from Hubble's imaging of ISON (both pre-stacked "comb" images and individual un-stacked ...


  • IB Physics SL revision - Option E (Astrophysics) 4 - distances to stars

    I show you some of the ways we can determine the distance to a star, using the parallax method, as well as the Luminosity (apparent brightness) method and the ...
