4m 9sLenght

59. The Intrusion of the Energy of Gravity into the Sphere of Feeling In 4 min. Ole Therkelsen explains symbol no. 59 from Martinus' book "The Eternal World Picture" vol. 5. Copyright © Martinus Institute 1981. See www.martinus.dk Diseases in blood sytem, lungs and heart = the region of feeling. The intrusion of aggressive energy, the explosive energy or the gravity energy in the blood system, lungs and heart Health and healing. Curing illness and sickness. Positive thoughts are healing for the body. Eternal life. Spiritual Science. Spiritual world and physical world. Life in microcosm, mesocosm and macrocosm. See explanation at www.martinus.dk, www.shop.martinus.dk, Ole Therkelsen, www.oletherkelsen.dk, www.oletherkelsen.info, www.martinusshop.dk, www.varldsbild.com, "Martinus, Darwin and Intelligent Design". "Martinus and the new World Morality". "The Third Testament". "Det Tredje Testamente". "Martinus Cosmology. "Martinus Spiritual Science" Science has shown that changes in physical matter are bound by law. The Danish author Martinus (1890-1981) shows that there are also laws for thinking. Knowledge of these mental laws of nature will make it possible for people to gain command of their mentality and gradually create a global kingdom of love on Earth. QUOTATION from Martinus' main work "Livets Bog" vol. 2. § 296: The existence of explosive energies in terrestrial man's mentality as the basis for all his suffering or the "root of all evil" 296. Naturally, just the same applies to terrestrial man's outbursts of temper which in actual fact are but the last vestiges of his condition as a beast of prey. While the explosive energies in the consciousness or mentality of a beast of prey are the chief factors of its life, for a human being they are pure poison on account of the fact that his mentality, or psyche, is of a much more developed and refined state than that of animals. This more refined psyche has refined the physical body, purified the blood and made the nervous system extremely delicate and sensitive. An organism of this kind cannot endure many outbursts of temper or fits of rage without being seriously poisoned. Eventually mental phenomena of this kind cannot avoid becoming an undermining strain on the functioning of the HEART. Indeed, to the micro-world within the organism of a terrestrial person, these fits of anger are pure "bomb explosions" having such a destructive effect on both body and soul that they are, so to speak, the "root of all evil". The purpose of "cosmic chemistry" is to establish a knowledge of this "root". This "root" not only forms the basis for everything that comes into the concept of the "animal kingdom" -- in other words the "killing principle" which is in reality the life-principle of that kingdom and therefore must be considered as natural to it -- but it is also the root of all terrestrial man's misery and must be considered as less natural in those zones where, to a great extent, he has enough intelligence to be able to control it. Nevertheless, because of habitual attitudes, fear of breaking with old traditions, dogmas and customs and fear of "public opinion" he succumbs to the "killing principle" and on practically all occasions is its obedient servant.