3m 50sLenght

57. The Explosion of Electrons in the Human Being's Atomic World In 4 min. Ole Therkelsen explains symbol no. 57 from Martinus' book "The Eternal World Picture" vol. 5. Copyright © Martinus Institute 1981. See www.martinus.dk The intrusion of aggressive energy, the explosive energy or the gravity energy in other organ systems. The cause of illness and sicknes. Explosions in the consciousness. Health and healing. Logical and illogical thinking constitute correspondingly correct and incorrect cosmic-chemical combinations. The energies used in our consciousness: the energy of instinct, gravity, feeling, intelligence, intuition and memory. Collision of microcosmic particles. Collision planets. It is known that every single substance in existence has its own reaction-potential so that when that substance is combined with certain other substances, it can create a state of harmony, whilst there are other kinds of substances with which it cannot be combined without creating terrible disharmony, explosions and destruction. Therefore it is evident that the combining of different substances or energies is by no means insignificant, for, in order to obtain a certain result, one has to follow exactly the prescription for the combination of those cosmic energies whose particular reaction can give that particular desired result, especially as this very result can actually only exist as a reaction of those energies employed. (LB2 §301) Now, as this individual makes such extensive use of gravity-energy, then his day-consciousness, or awake conscious experiences, to an exceptional degree consist of "explosions". His conduct in daily activities and his relationship with his fellow beings, his opinion of himself, his demonstrations of will and his ideas about life and Providence are simply displays of more or less unrestrained "explosions". This is most conspicuous in the individual's fits of temper or rage. In such a fit, the use of gravity-energy is so strongly apparent in the individual's use of will that sometimes he wants to strike out both at himself and others -- in fact at everything within reach. He is in himself a "living bomb". (LB2 § 334) The reason that terrestrial beings have to experience existence in this way -- either in an "awake" or a "sleeping" condition -- is entirely to enable their physical bodies to be maintained in good order. This resting time can only be fully effective through total cessation of the "awake functions of consciousness". The energy which supports these functions with regard to terrestrial man is, of course, "gravity-energy" or "explosive energy", that is to say the energy which causes the greatest wear and tear in the nervous system and which consequently requires the greatest amount of sleep in order to repair the frayed and damaged nerves. (LB2 § 337) Curing illness and sickness. Positive thoughts are healing for the body. See explanation at www.martinus.dk, www.shop.martinus.dk, Ole Therkelsen, www.oletherkelsen.dk, www.oletherkelsen.info, www.martinusshop.dk, www.varldsbild.com, "Martinus, Darwin and Intelligent Design". "Martinus and the new World Morality". "The Third Testament". "Det Tredje Testamente". "Martinus Cosmology. "Martinus Spiritual Science"