2m 55sLenght

51. The Universe of Gravity. The Atom of Gravity or the Solar System of Gravity In 3 min. Ole Therkelsen explains symbol no. 51 from Martinus' book "The Eternal World Picture" vol. 5. Copyright © Martinus Institute 1981. See www.martinus.dk A journey in super-microcosmos into the universe of the digestive system, which is overshadowed by the gravity-energy. Digestion and metabolism. The consciousness and the different thoughts of the human being have a big influence on the different organs or universes of the body. The gravity-energy penetrates or overshadows the stomach, intestines and liver. The Third Testament, Livets Bog, vol. 2, § 351 Martinus writes: The I's second source of power. Gravity-energy, fire or solar energy. 351. But together with the I's practice in using this source of power or sensing-energy, there develops the above-mentioned desire for enjoying animal organisms as food and thereby a greater and greater ability for obtaining this enjoyment. This new faculty releases itself not as "sensing", but, on the contrary, in promoting the breakdown or digestion of the organisms it wishes to enjoy. This process of breaking down is the initial manifestation of the "killing principle". This breaking down or killing function also constitutes a special kind of energy combination. I have defined this particular energy in "Livets Bog" as "gravity-energy". Its real fundamental nature is a kind of "combustion". Its manifestation in its strongest concentration is identical with physical fire. In its purest form it is the same as "solar energy". In the consciousness it gives a being that explosive strengthening of its use of force which later, in the beast of prey, enables it to overcome the resistance of those animals it desires as food. The sensation of this expression of energy in the consciousness, or the organism, is known in ordinary life as "being angry". "Gravity-energy" (fire or sun energy) is thus the second of the I's great sources of power. The consciousness and the different thoughts of the human being have a big influence on the different organs or universes of the body. The gravity-energy penetrates or overshadows the stomach, intestines and liver. In super-microcosmos 10 spiral cycles below our spiral cycle (mesocosmos) we reach at spiral cycle of the thoughts. See Livets Bog, § 1095 The Third Testament, Livets Bog, vol. 4, § 1095 "Thoughts" appear as thoughts of instinct, gravity, feeling, intelligence, intuition and memory just as living beings appear as beings of instinct, gravity, feeling, intelligence, intuition and memory 1095. The passage through the horizon that every "experience" must undergo in order to become complete or perfect, which in turn means in order to become a "cosmic analysis" is exactly the same, albeit in a micro-form, as that which every "living being" must undergo in order to attain perfection. An "experience", which in turn means a "thought" or "idea" is thus not perfect until it represents the five outer stages of the spiral cycle, the stages of instinct, gravity, feeling, intelligence and intuition, thereafter disappearing in the sixth and inner stage of the same spiral, the stage of memory. We must therefore define the various sorts of thoughts according to the stage they represent in the spiral cycle, this stage forming the basis for their "indication of place" in the range of sensory perception of the being in question. Every single thought on its journey through the cycle must thus represent the same stages as the "living beings" do in the same cycle. The "thoughts" can therefore be expressed as "thoughts of instinct, gravity, feeling, intelligence, intuition and memory", just as the "living beings" can be expressed as "beings of instinct, gravity, feeling" and so on. "Thoughts" thus represent stages of evolution in precisely the same way as "living beings" do. Read and search in Martinus' English literature at martinus.dk Ole Therkelsen, www.oletherkelsen.dk, www.oletherkelsen.info, www.martinusshop.dk, www.varldsbild.com, "Martinus, Darwin and Intelligent Design". "Martinus and the new World Morality". "The Third Testament". "Det Tredje Testamente". "Martinus Cosmology. "Martinus Spiritual Science" "Martinus, Darwin and Intelligent Design". "Martinus and the new World Morality". "The Third Testament". "Det Tredje Testamente". "Martinus Cosmology. "Martinus Spiritual Science"