10m 28sLenght

I lone cargo transport ship drifts through the sector unguarded and unarmed it would make an easy target for even the most novice of pirates. From the deck of a distant vessel the captain brings his binoculars to his eyes. He shouts to the crew, prepare the claw ! From the hull of the ship the four arms of the claw a weapon outlawed in may sectors appear. Each instrument of death and destruction locks into place jolting the ship. Join my space engineers empire http://steamcommunity.com/groups/LSGEmpire# Oh and our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/LastStandGamers?ref=hl Space Engineer is like a mixture between Minecraft and Kerbal Space Program. The game is in alpha. o The main purpose of the game seems to be building a space fleet and fight/ally with the other factions. You build your ships piece by piece and the only know limit for the size of your ship is what you computer can handle.