18m 26sLenght

With planets coming, and the need to cross large amounts of open space on the horizon, the devs have come up with a solution, jump drives. Not only will this let you get from asteroid to asteroid, without having to afk for 20 minutes, but it is also an incredibly fun machine to use. Any more questions? Check the patch notes down below, or the link to the Official Patch Notes to see if they have released any hotfixes since this was made. ---------------------------------Patch Note--------------------------------- Official Patch Notes: http://forum.keenswh.com/threads/update-01-090-jump-drive.7364231/ Features - Jump Drive Jump Drive Rules - the jump drive block must be attached to the ship and has to be charged with energy up to 100% - the jump drive is available only for large ships - jumps can be done only from the cockpit, by using the "jump" action (not from the control panel) - if a main cockpit option is set, only the main cockpit can do the jump - the jump cannot be accelerated from the control panel, but has to be assigned as an action to the cockpit’s toolbar - the game will automatically calculate if the ship is able to reach the final destination with the current number of jump drives and the ship’s mass, this information is shown as a number of % in the confirmation screen - In control panel: the jump drive can have a set distance (useful for blind jumps), or can be maximum based on the ships equipment (maximum is set as default) - the minimum distance for the jump is 5 Km by default - a jump can be done only to a safe proximity of objects (other ships, stations, asteroids, planets) - the final destination of the jump must be empty in a 2 Km diameter. Any object in the area will shorten the jump and the ship will appear 2 km before the object - in case of a shortened jump towards a GPS coordinate or a blind direction, the ship should spawn before an object is in its way - the ship should never spawn in an asteroid or other ship even if the calculations are correct - Rules of transport: all small ships or large ships that want to travel with the ship must be connected through connectors or landing gears. Players must be seated in seats, cockpits or cryochambers. Everything not attached to the ship as mentioned will stay in the spot and will not do the jump. Fixes - fixed placing armor corner 2x1x1 tip with wrong offset - fixed volume of the hand drill - fixed issue with clearing blueprint search by using "X" - fixed issue with gravity generator reporting different values than spherical one - fixed incorrect tooltip when switching between tabs in terminal - fixed speed on HUD updating too frequently when sprinting - fixed rotation hints shaking when copy pasting - fixed issue with critical energy after turning ship ON - fixed misspell in XML - fixed issue with station rotation mode appearing when copy pasting ships - fixed issue with renaming scripts - fixed small inconsistency in voice-over - fixed issue when g-screen opens after re-spawn - fixed copy & paste issues with large ships ---------------------------What is this game?--------------------------- It's Space Engineers, you can get it here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/244850 ------------------------------------Music-------------------------------------- Background & outro music from Space Engineers' game files. ------------------Sage Models, Skins, and Ships------------------ Download Custom Models: http://steamcommunity.com/id/EctoSage/myworkshopfiles/ ----------------------------------SAGE Info----------------------------------- Twitter: https://twitter.com/SAGE_Channel Star Citizen Organization: (Join us on this journey, to convergence.) https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/CONVERGE