9m 29sLenght

A Purposeful Universe- How Quantum Theory and Mayan Cosmology Explain the Origin and Evolution of Life is the title of Dr Carl Johan Calleman's latest book and the subject of this one hour and ten minute conversation about the book with its author and an informed interviewer. Dr. Calleman's message is we live in a purposeful universe. We have individual and collective purpose and indeed, the Cosmos as a whole is an organized, purposeful plan. He presents a revolutionary and fully developed alternative to Darwin's theory of Evolution- and the theory that randomness or chance- a serendipitous accident- lies at the heart of biological life. Instead, Calleman demonstrates that the recently discovered central axis of universe is the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life, this central axis generates sequential states, QUANTUM STATES, and each of these Quanta carries a complete A to Z formula for the achievement of a key objective of biological life. The big news is humans alive on Earth NOW are on the cusp of a Quantum Shift -- a movement from reality as we know it TO -- well, that is described in the 9th and final chapter of A Purposeful Universe entitled A Biology with Soul. Carl surveys the earliest moments of life on planet Earth and charts its progression from single cell organism to our present circumstance of a complex world "civilization" in need of a resolution into a higher order of reality. Calleman describes humankind's imminent achievement of a new Quantum State and the completion of a 16 billion year evolution.