45m 48sLenght

Kepler-78 b is slightly larger than Earth. In terms of physical characteristics it can be rather called the twin of Earth than the super-earths. Calculations according spectrographs showed that the diameter of Kepler-78 b is 1,173 diameter of Earth (about 15,000 kilometers), is the mass of 1.69—1.85 mass of Earth. The density of the planet is 5.3—5.6 g/cm3, which means approximately the same inner structure as the Earth — based iron-silicon composition. However, the German scientist Artie Hatzes by processing these data according to the method, received a different value of the mass of 1.31 ±0.24 mass of the Earth, which gives the average density value of 4.5 ±2.1 g/cm3 Kepler-78 b is extremely close to its star — the distance to stars is just 1.5 million kilometers (0.01 a. E.), and the duration of revolution around the parent star is only 8.5 hours. The albedo of the planet is 20-60%, and due to the extreme proximity to the star lit side of the planet is heated, according to various estimates, in the range 2100-2800 °C. the surface of the planet, apparently, the whole covered with a vast ocean of lava that makes it a lava planet rather than a planet of the terrestrial group in the conventional sense Calculations were made on the basis of gravitational perturbations of the orbit of a star. Usually the terrestrial planets is too weak to affect the orbit of the star due to the very small mass, but because of the very close orbit the gravitational influence of the planet on the star Kepler-78 has become noticeable. The reason that Kepler-78 b was so close (100 times closer than Earth is to the Sun and 5 times than a typical hot Jupiter) to its star, yet it remains a mystery: the distance to its parent star is less than 1.5 diameters of the stars. Formed so close to its star it could not, and at the same time, an unknown mechanism by which she could so much closer to their star. Due to the very tight orbit of Kepler-78 b after 3 billion years, gradually coming nearer to its star will fall upon her and cease to exist