51m 30sLenght

Lecture the 3/8-2008 in Martinus Center, Klint, 4500 Nykobing Sjaelland, Denmark by Ole Therkelsen on family life versus intuition and creativity. The Martinus Cosmology, Martinus spiritual Science gives a logical explanation showing that the creative processes in nature take place like all other creative processes known in the human world. Experience, knowledge, skills, creativity and invention lie behind every creative process! In fact, both human and nature’s creative processes are based on the same principle, namely a gradual process of evolution that occurs by virtue of conscious life! The third sex. The sexual transformation of man from single-poled state (parenthood and family life) to a double-poled state (creativity and intuition) becomes a major theme in the Martinus Cosmology also called The Third Testament. After the last 3,500 years, with The Old and New Testaments, The Third Testament becomes a major theme in Spiritual Science. Human consciousness and the human sexual structure are undergoing a great transformation during these centuries. Martinus has described this in more than 500 pages, consisting of the entire volume of Livets Bog 5, Two Kinds of Love and The Eternal World Picture 3, at symbol no. 33. Already in 1932 in Livets Bog 1 §130–132, Martinus discusses terrestrial man’s sexual transformation, which takes place in three major stages: the zone of happy marriages, the zone of unhappy marriages and the zone of infertility. This evolution from animal to human, from egotism to altruism, from partial love and falling in love to impartial universal love follows the laws of nature or the timetable of evolution. The arrival of a new human being in our day can be seen amongst others things with the way men and women begin to resemble each other more and more. The masculine grows in the woman and the feminine in the man, which is the organic basis for the beginning evolution of the equality of the sexes. The evolution from animal to human, according to Martinus, is not only natural but is also an unavoidable process in the creation of “the finished human being in God’s image”, which is a double-poled being with the masculine and the feminine poles in complete equilibrium. The finished human being loves all and has no favourites because its double-poledness no longer has any organic mental basis to prefer one gender to another. The Godhead, which is the sum of all living beings, is thus in itself also double-poled. The biggest surprise in Martinus Cosmology must be that according to the laws or timetable of evolution there should arise a new sex – a third sex. One takes it for granted that in the past there has been man and woman, that today there is man and woman, and that in the future there will also continue to be man and woman. But according to Martinus there will not continue to be man and woman; there will as mentioned come into being a third sex! The third sex is represented by the double-poled sex that in its fully evolved state has the masculine and the feminine in equal balance in its consciousness. Males and females, men and women, are half-sex beings that live in mutual dependence upon each other. The evolution of the progressively more double-poled human being, who in the final phase becomes complete and fully independent, is shown statistically with more and more adults living on their own. It is also the progressive evolution of double-poledness, which means that one can eventually have sympathy for one’s own sex. According to Martinus’ analyses, the double-poled state of consciousness will at a later stage in evolution also be followed up by a new double-poled type of organism (See LB5 §1886–1918). Martinus’ prediction about the evolution of the double-poled human being could be scientifically documented by mapping certain human qualities during the course of history. Such a programmed or law-bound evolution from the instinctive and one-poled animal to the intellectual and double-poled human being is entirely outside the framework of Darwinism, which bases itself solely upon chance and natural selection. In this area Martinus’ analyses of the human sexual pole transformation can be said to be unique and there are, as mentioned, ideal opportunities for them to be tested by scientific studies. * * * Ole has written two books in English: 1. Martinus and the new World Morality. 2. Martinus, Darwin and Intelligent Design - a new Theory of Evolution Ole Therkelsen (born 1948) speaks and writes from his background as a trained chemist and biologist as well as on the basis of his life-long commitment to Martinus Cosmology. Since 1980 he has given 2000 talks on the Cosmology in fifteen countries in six different languages. Many of these talks may be heard on www.oletherkelsen.dk www.oletherkelsen.info