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http://alienspacesciencenews.wordpress.com/ part 7b97g of 100 videos there are more videos after this one i'll post all then update the #. Math Equation Wow Seti 1977 radio signal alien Wow SETI 1977 radio signal alien 11/111/1/1/14=0.0071 Google 0.0071 5.8783279E6 + 6EQUJ5 + maya symbol for Zero + Higgs Ballistic Transport formula #7+ CORE UFO Engine + communication laser beams + crystals + superlattice + quantum dots + water molecules + expanded + from line 22 wow data 21 July 2013 Line 22f1fa19c3m1b7c8e13c9c6d3p38d19d7b97 Ballistic Umklapp Scattering Phonon Formula 5g WOW SETI Notes on previous videos Formula from previous video Umklapp scattering+ (also U-process or Umklapp process) + transformation, + reflection + Translation+ wave vector +to +another+ Brillouin zone +result + scattering +process+ an electron-lattice potential  google - Free electron model in another video Keyword from formula data: Brillouin zone Quotes diagrams from WIKI: In mathematics and solid state physics, the first Brillouin zone is a uniquely defined primitive cell in reciprocal space. The boundaries of this cell are given by planes related to points on thereciprocal lattice. Formula from data: mathematics + solid state physics+first Brillouin zone defined primitive cell in reciprocal space. boundaries cell Given planes related to points (nodes) on reciprocal lattice.(google) + Quote wiki In physics, the reciprocal lattice of a lattice (usually a Bravais lattice) is the lattice in which the Fourier transform of the spatial wavefunction of the original lattice (or direct lattice) is represented. This space is also known asmomentum space or less commonly k-space, due to the relationship between the Pontryagin duals momentum and position. The reciprocal lattice of a reciprocal lattice is the original lattice. 21 July 2013 Formula from data:  Wigner--Seitz cell + Bravais lattice + Brillouin zone +  Bloch wave + periodic medium + behavior +single Brillouin zone Surfaces + same +distance+ from+ one +element of +the lattice +and its neighbours+  volume + first Brillouin zone+ (see the derivation of the Wigner-Seitz cell).+ set of points +in+ k-space+reached+ origin +crossing + Bragg plane+Voronoi cell google +around +the origin of +the reciprocal lattice. Keyword Voronoi cell from formula Quote wiki In mathematics, a Voronoi diagram is a way of dividing space into a number of regions. A set of points (called seeds, sites, or generators) is specified beforehand and for each seed there will be a corresponding region consisting of all points closer to that seed than to any other. The regions are called Voronoi cells. It is dual to the Delaunay triangulation Formula from data: second, third, etc., +Brillouin zones+sequence +disjoint regions (all with the same volume)+ increasing distances +from + the origin+result +first Brillouin zone is often +called +simply+ the+ Brillouin zone. + n-th +Brillouin zone +consists of+ the set of points+ that can be+ reached +from +the origin by crossing exactly n − 1 distinct Bragg planes.+related concept irreducible Brillouin zone, +is the first Brillouin zone reduced by all of the symmetries in the point group of the lattice.+ Brillouin zone 21 July 2013 My thoughts Brillouin Zone looks like a photon levitating within a crystal mesh Superlattice. Keyword electron-lattice potential  google - Free electron mode In next video ballistic transport, superlattice, quantum dots, water molecules, cooled plasma, quantum mechanics, quantum transport, crystals, mesh, electron holes, net force, neutrinos, higgs boson signals , CERN 2012 results, ATLAS, ALICE, CML, NASA, newtons second law of motion, formula, hot temperatures, expand, mass, higgs mass particles, five axial forces, janet conrad, miniboone experiment data 2008, 2012, electron ribbon pencil laser beams, filters, diffraction, colliding particles, splitting baryons, tau neutrinos, splitting fermions, leptons, 5 new bosons, new standard model wow! signal 5 boson particles created in line 22 formula's, cross reference, proton energies, nanowires, nanotechnology, elshelby twist, nodes, quadrapole magnets, monopole, dipole moment, euclid elements, archimedes algorithms