6m 6sLenght

This is a video of movement and orbit of the Moon and the Sun and the Earth in 2013. I mede this as astronomy teaching materials. In the two videos of the lower stage, orbit and size of the Earth and the Moon and the Sun are deformed. When they are deformed, the shadows goes incorrect. So I set they never cast shadow over each other in the rendering software’s setting. In the upper side video, orbit and size of the Earth and the Moon and the Sun are real. The Earth in the left side video is viewed from the Sun. The Moon in the right side video is viewed from the Earth. Here The Earth and the Moon will cast a shadow over each other. So you can view the eclipses. However, the Earth and the Moon are very small compared to the size of orbit of the Earth, the position of shadow is not accurate by the error of rendering software. Why the Earth and the Moon are jiggling is on the same reason. 1 frame = 1 hour. Because it is 24 frames / sec, 1 second = 1 day. The position of the Earth and Moon in the first and the last frame, and the Position of the Earth of the first day of every month are accurate. In the other frames they are not accurate, because the speed of the Earth and the Moon are assumed as constant. ( In reality, they are not constant because their orbit are oval. ) - A yellow ellipse surrounding the sun is the orbit the Earth. - A character of γ with a yellow line running through the the Sun is the direction of the vernal equinox. - A red line towards the earth from the sun is the direction of the perihelion of the Earth. - A gray ellipse surrounding the Earth is the orbit of the Moon. - A gray line running through the Earth is the intersection of the orbital plane of the Earth and the orbital plane of the Moon. - Two lines of light blue is the range of eclipse season. - A Red line toward the Moon from the Earth is the direction of the perihelion of the Moon - A red line on the planet is 0 degrees longitude. - A Short red line running through the Moon or the Earth is the rotation axis of each. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT ECLIPSE IN 2013 Between noon on January 1, 2013 and noon on January 1, 2014, There are twice solar eclipse and once lunar eclipse and twice penumbral lunar eclipse. - A partial lunar eclipse on April 26, is reflected before and after the frame of 02:00. - An Annular solar eclipse on May 10 is reflected before and after the frame of 11:00. - A penumbral lunar eclipse on May 25 cannot be seen on the Moon, however the Moon passes behind the Earth after the frame of 04:00. - A penumbral lunar eclipse on Ovtober 19 is reflected after the frame of 01:00. the 19th October. the bottom of the Moon is slightly dark. - An annular total solar eclipse on November 3 is reflected before and after the frame of 09:00. If any wrong English, please teach me.