8m 45sLenght

Sean M Carroll Explains that what science has done for 400 years is called Naturalism, The Idea that there is only One reality that there are not separate plans of Natural and supernatural that there is only one material existence of the universe and how science got there is by basically realising that human beings are not that smart and we as humans are subject to all sorts of biases is cognitive shortcomings and therefore science develops techniques to give us reality checks. But at last he explains the universe does not care about you, as the universe is made up of elements that does not have intelligence, does not pass judgements and the fear we have is that if the purpose is not given us by the universe then it cannot exist but the good news is that fear is a mistake that we create purpose and meaning in the universe, its like if we love somebody that love is not put into you by somebody rather you created that love, its a choice that you made and it in itself gives a freedom of life and purpose. If you accept the universe for what it is, and if we approach reality with an open mind and heart then we can create life very much worth living. Some other similar videos - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmkrI-K7yBo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xv0mKsO2goA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pL5vzIMAhs Some other useful links www.gotquestions.org/naturalism.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naturalism_(philosophy) http://www.centerfornaturalism.org/faqs.htm http://www.iep.utm.edu/naturali/ http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13628888-the-universe-doesn-t-give-a-flying-fuck-about-you http://www.strangenotions.com/would-god-create-a-gigantic-universe/