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www.wormholefundamentals.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/Asayanami Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Asayanami.Dei In game: Asayanami Dei Chat Channel: Adhocracy Public Each w-space system has at least one static wormhole, and class 2 w-space systems have two. The type of static is limited by the class of wormhole in which the static is found. Classes 1, 2, and 3 will always have a static that leads somewhere in known-space. These can be either highsec, lowsec, or nullsec statics. Class 2 wormholes have a second static that will lead to another wormhole system of any class. The higher class wormholes, classes 4, 5, and 6, all have one static that leads to another wormhole-space system. Class 5 wormholes are statistically more likley to have class 5 statics, with the second most popular being class 6, and class 6 wormholes are statistically most likely to have class 5 and 6 statics. Class 4 wormholes are equally likely to link to a class 1,2 or 3 wormhole as a class 4,5, or 6 wormhole. This leads to a "class 5 superhighway" that gets formed because of the large interconnection between class 5's and themselves, with the occasional class 6 mixed in. To escape from "deep" w-space, one would typically scan down the static chain. It is possible to find yourself in a "static loop" with no connection to k-space in a higher class-wormhole. However, most times a wormhole will be found that is of lower class, and scanning can continue from there. When a class 4 system is found, there is a 50% chance it will have a static to a lower-class wormhole. When a class 3 or lower system is found, a k-space exit is guaranteed, though it may be deep in the drone regions of null-security known-space. When trying to scan up a wormhole chain, it is best to look for wormholes with the near-side designation of K162, which is the code for a wormhole "exit". This means that it is not a static wormhole for the system you are in, though the designation on the far side will let you know if it is that system's static. Dynamic wormholes are also useful in scanning up a wormhole chain, as they will often connect lower-class wormhole systems (or known space) with higher-class wormhole systems. Once you find a class 4 wormhole, your odds are 50% that this wormhole has a class 4,5, or 6 static. Once you reach a class 5, your odds are very good for being on a stretch of the class 5 superhighway. For more information, you can visit http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Wormholes. Free 21 day Trial: https://secure.eveonline.com/trial/?invc=1037463c-9c47-4ab2-bef3-5e652fdf50ce&action=buddy