12m 42sLenght

There have been several good videos debunking the kalam argument (see links below). This video highlights something many other refutations miss, namely the fallacy of equivocation..which renders the argument invalid. Premise 1 refers to things that begin to exist within time. In other words, there was a time when a thing did not exist, followed by a time when it existed. This is not the case with the universe, since time is part of the universe. The universe is a finite age (13.8 billion years), and because time did not come into existence until after the inflation began, there is literally NO TIME at which the universe did not exist. Rephrasing the argument to accurately include this information, we get something like this: Let X = "a thing which began to exist a finite time ago after a point when it did not exist" Let Y = "a thing which has existed for a finite time, but which exists at every point in time" 1. Everything that is X has a cause for it's existence. 2. The Universe is Y. 3. Therefore the universe has a cause for it's existence. As you can see, once the equivocation is made plain, the argument fails. Because the universe has existed at EVERY moment in time, it did not begin to exist in the way that every object included in P1 began to exist (after a period of time where it did not exist), so the argument is invalid. There is also a further type of equivocation going on in the argument. Kalam proponents believe God made the universe exist ex nihilo (from nothing). But everything around us that supports premise 1 only "begins to exist" in a trivial sense, as rearrangements of preexisting, uncreated stuff. Since the universe is the only example of something truly "beginning to exist" from a previous state of nothingness, this means there is a sample set of *one* thing in this category, leaving no support for the claim that "whatever begins to exist (ex nihilo) has a cause". Once the argument is reformulated to take into account the hidden premises, it looks like this: 1. Everything that results from a rearrangement of pre-existing matter has a cause. (supported by every observation, ever.) 2. The universe began to exist from nothingness...NOT as a rearrangement of pre-existing (uncreated) matter. 3. Therefore the universe has a cause. Once again, premises 1 and 2 are comparing apples and oranges. The type of things being discussed in premise one are very different than what is being discussed in premise 2, so the argument fails. Thanks to Theophage for the video. Check out his channel for more great videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/Theophage?feature=watch Other videos refuting Kalam: Debunking the Kalam - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35WVf6Uvk8U Oh, What a Tangled Web! - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rSAo6IpiFU&feature=share&list=PL33ABD27539B516A9 The Kalam Cosmological Fallacy - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUYjnL2PqUg I "Kalam" Like I See 'Em.. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aD9MtIma5YU Debunking the Kalam (scientific errors) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baZUCc5m8sE You can read a written refutation here: http://wiki.ironchariots.org/index.php?title=Kalam Also check out QualiaSoup's "Putting Faith in it's Place" video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wV_REEdvxo