2m 15sLenght

This video is about Cosmic Inflation & Doubling with Pinto Beans as explained by a 12 year old. While the Big Bang Theory explains quite a lot about the potential beginnings of our universe, the theory of cosmic inflation may be the next step forward in our understanding of where and how everything came to "be." Cosmic inflation postulates that a tiny speck of dense matter "doubled" in size roughly 260 times and created everything in our observable universe. Indeed, the power of doubling is quite profound. This short video is a condensed version of a thought experiment I did for my kids which helped them visualize and understand (very) basic concepts behind the idea of cosmic inflation using pinto beans and my son's hockey practice board. I also showed them how this theory could solve "The Flatness Problem" and "The Horizon Problem" as explained very succinctly in Max Tegmark's book, "Our Mathematical Universe." If we have sufficient time, we hope to make video shorts about those 2 problems being solved by cosmic inflation.