11m 1sLenght

Hello Ladies. I receive a lot of messages from people who either want or are already in beauty school about different things concerning school. The one thing that I hope that I make clear in this video is that Cosmetology school serves as a basic foundation for everything you will use and need to know once you graduate. I would say take in all of the knowledge you can and appreciate every step. Seek mentors who are already successful in the business. Take classes that fit your desires of what you aim to become greater in. Become a professional in the field if you have a passion for it and don't ever think or allow someone else to tell you that it is a waste of time! Knowledge is Power! Please, comment, rate and subscribe! Looking for a stylist in the North Carolina area? Book Me! https://www.styleseat.com/Glam ( currently taking new clients). Follow Me on Instagram: #letsglammore Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/GlammoreAccessories ( Like My Page) http://letsglammore.wix.com/glammoregirls ( check me out!) Ask me anything @ ask.fm/GlamsCorner My Accessory Store: www.letsglammore.com Where can you purchase my hair?: www.letsglammore.com If you are a company and would like to contact me email me at : letsglammore@gmail.com