42m 48sLenght

In this presentation, Bruce Leybourne will present climate as the interplay between Field Aligned Currents in the ionosphere and Induction Currents charging Earth’s core. He will show that climate change is driven by a transformer effect between plasma ring currents coupled to solar winds, which induce telluric currents in upper mantle structures grounded to the core. This transformer effect is strongest at the south-pole where the polar plasma jet is more strongly coupled to an upper mantle ridge structure encircling Antarctica. This effect exerts climate control over the planet via aligned tectonic vortex structures along the Western Pacific rim, electrically connected to the core. This is consistent with the “Earth Endogenous Energy” theory (Gregori, 2002 – Earth as a rechargeable battery/capacitor). Intense solar outbursts result in intense plasma impinging upon Earth, creating a modulating effect to atmospheric pressure, global Jet Stream patterns, global warming and cooling cycles. These changes are directly linked to charging and discharging phases of the Earth and result in fluctuations of Earth’s magnetic field cycles in rhythm with the climate. Bruce Leybourne is current Research Director of Institute for Advanced Studies in Climate Change (IASCC) and also works with Geostream Consulting LLC and Climate-Stat Inc. to improve geophysical-weather models. His education includes bachelor and master degrees in geology from the University of North Carolina and University of Southern Mississippi respectively. On the subjects of geophysics and climate, Bruce has spoken at many international conferences, authored and co-authored many papers and is currently organizing a book to reveal the true nature of climate change. Past experience with over 10 years offshore including: Gravity/magnetic survey work onboard seismic exploration vessels and seafloor mapping, oceanography, and geophysics with the Naval Oceanographic Office on multi-mission military-surveys. JOIN US ON PATREON AND WATCH OUR INFLUENCE GROW: “Changing the world through understanding of the Electric Universe." https://www.patreon.com/user?u=180095&ty=p Subscribe to Thunderbolts Update newsletter: http://eepurl.com/ETy41 The Thunderbolts Project Home: http://www.thunderbolts.info Essential Guide to the Electric Universe: http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/eg-contents/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thunderboltsproject Twitter: @tboltsproject Electric Universe by Wal Thornhill: http://www.holoscience.com/wp/ Electric Universe T-shirts and Gifts: http://www.thunder-stuff.com The ideas expressed in videos presented on The Thunderbolts Project YouTube Channel do not necessarily express the views of T-Bolts Group Inc or The Thunderbolts Project(TM).