17m 36sLenght

Explaining the three kings, the star in the North and the meaning of the Winter Solstice http://www.egyptianchristianity.com/true_meaning_christmas_3.htm Egypt Mythology Gods From A-Z http://www.godchecker.com/pantheon/egyptian-mythology.php?_gods-list Egypt Mythology Gallery Directory http://www.egyptartsite.com/mytho.html Winged Solar Disk http://www.egyptartsite.com/symlst.html#hb http://avalon.law.yale.edu/default.asp The signs of the Greek Zodiac http://www.igreekmythology.com/greek-zodiac.html Early Christianity Converted From Egyptian God Beliefs Amen-Ra,Isis,Mithraism,& Osiris Not Just Jesus: but Other Virgin Births? http://www.lawofattractiongps.com/living-law-of-attraction/not-just-jesus-other-virgin-births/#axzz2ss6ZIyis Pagan Worship in Christianity? http://www.masters-table.org/pagan/sun2.htm Links to follow, these are my personal links i study i thought it would be nice to share them http://www.windows2universe.org/mythology/Definitions_gods/Saturn_def.html In Greek mythology, Cronus was the son of Uranus and Gaea. He lead his brothers and sisters, the Titans, in a revolt against their father and became the king of the gods. He married the Titan Rhea. They had a total of six children, but Cronus had a bad habit of eating his newborn children, to prevent them from one day overthrowing him as king of the gods. Finally, at the birth of her last child, Zeus, Rhea tricked him into swallowing a rock instead. Zeus then beat his father, with the help of his brothers and sisters. The Romans adopted Cronus as the god Saturn RA - Re was known as the sun-god and the creator in ancient Egypt. He took on many forms, each depending on where he was. Usually Re was portrayed with a hawk head, wearing a fiery disk like the Sun on his head. In the Underworld, the god took the form of a ram-head. Re was the creator of our world. In the beginning of time, an egg rose from the water. Once out of his shell, Re had two children who became the atmosphere and clouds. They in turn had more children,Geb and Nut, who became the Earth and the stars. They in turn had two sons, Seth and Osiris, the father of Horus. Re cried one day, and humans were made from his tears. He also created the four seasons for the Nile, a very important river in Egypt. Re combines with Horus to form Re-Harakhte, god of the Sun and the heavens. http://ancientegyptonline.co.uk/ra.html Google RE sun God http://www.egyptartsite.com/ra.html to many similarities with Amen Ra and the sun disk behind the head http://www.egyptartsite.com/ra.html Amun http://www.egyptartsite.com/amun.html http://www.egyptartsite.com/hormyth.html#rh http://www.egyptartsite.com/beer.html http://www.egyptartsite.com/fields.html Osiris http://www.egyptartsite.com/aftrlfe.html wadget_snake_uraeus_ancient_EgyptThe Egyptian Cobra Goddess Wadjet http://www.gks.uk.com/egyptian-cobra-uraeus/ Uraeus is the stylized, upright form of an Egyptian spitting cobra (asp, serpent, or snake), used as a symbol of sovereignty, royalty, deity, and divine authority in ancient Egypt. http://www.crystalinks.com/uraeus.html Winged Solar Disk http://www.egyptartsite.com/symlst.html#dc Relations: Father of the first divine couple, Shu and Tefnut. Grandfather of Geb and Nut, whose children were Osiris and Isis, Seth and Nephthys. http://www.egyptartsite.com/geb.html http://www.egyptartsite.com/nut.html http://www.egyptartsite.com/aftrlfe.html http://www.egyptartsite.com/isis.html http://www.egyptartsite.com/seth.html http://www.egyptartsite.com/nephthys.html The next goddess is http://www.egyptartsite.com/sekmet.html Cult Center: http://www.egyptartsite.com/memphis.html List of Mythological Deities http://www.egyptartsite.com/list.html Mythology Gallery Directory http://www.egyptartsite.com/mytho.html Seshat.- Lady of Liberty https://www.princeton.edu/~achaney/tmve/wiki100k/docs/Seshat.html Home Page http://www.egyptartsite.com/index.html Ancient Gallery Directory http://www.egyptartsite.com/old.html Mythology Gallery Directory http://www.egyptartsite.com/mytho.html check out http://www.windows2universe.org/mythology/ra_sun.html http://ancientegyptonline.co.uk/ra.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_festivals What is wrong with people? do they not do the research of the past? this is the Biggest statue of an Iron Man False Jesus with the Pagan sun disk http://www.iacmusic.com/symbolspage.html http://www.lasttrumpet.org/pagan_sun_god_imagery.htm Osiris & Christianity The Christian Adoption of Egyptian Iconography,Symbolism, and Myth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qwiA90huRc http://www.livescience.com/43051-step-pyramid-uncovered-in-egypt.html Early Christianity grafted the Egyptian Isis - Mithraism, & Osiris Pegan Religion Roots More Pyramids found around the world https://www.google.com/#q=bosnian+pyramid&tbm=vid myths of mankind Christianity Osirir - Isis - Horus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNca8e1Syd8