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Since the beginning of time, Mankind has stared at the stars in wonder. From our ancient ancestors to modern man. Space has always intrigued us. Only in recent history has Man been able to live in outer Space. Today we cover 5 Amazing Space Facts about living in space. Number 5: Space Fact Your skin peels off: In space the skin on your feet peels off in space. That’s right you heard that correctly. Because astronauts on the International space station don’t use their feet to walk in a micro gravity environment, the skin on their feet begins to soften & their skin flakes off. There is no laundry facilities in space either meaning Astronauts will wear the same underwear & socks for days at a time. That does not sound too pleasant. When it comes to replacing their socks, they must gently remove them otherwise the dead skin will float around in the weightless environment. Yuck. How does that make you guys feel? Let us know in the comments below. Amazing Space Facts Number 4: You get taller in space Have you ever wanted to be taller? Then just visit outer space. The reason for you growing taller is due to the spine not being exposed to the pull of earth’s gravity allowing the vertebrae to relax & expand. It is well known that you can in fact grow up to 2 inches taller in orbit. For those of you with dreams of becoming an air hostess or catwalk model & thought that this option may be a solution, I’m sorry to tell you. This small gain is usually short lived. Once astronauts return back to earth their height returns to normal after only a few months. The scientific research is still ongoing on this one as Astronauts, continually have ultrasound scans taken of their spines in order to figure out why astronauts grow taller in micro gravity. Number 3: Tears Don’t Fall in space On board the International Space Station one interesting fact is that tears don’t fall, rather they float like bubbles or spheres. This means that if you were to cry in space then your tears would form bubbles around your eyes because of the weightless environment. Astronauts must be very careful not to let any water bubbles float away. This can be a very dangerous situation as the water will cling to the surface until it becomes dislodged. Number 2: Apollo Life Insurance July 16th 1969 is one date that will be remembered for the rest of human history. The Apollo crew consisting of Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin & Michael Collins set off to land the first man on the moon. What many people don’t know about the Apollo mission is that none of the astronauts were covered by any life insurance policy. Before the launch date the 3 infamous astronauts were kept in quarantine to make sure they didn’t get sick. It was while in here they signed many photographs as their life insurance policy. It was hoped that the signed photographs could be sold in the event that they perished during their mission. Number 1: Furthest Away Man Made Object. In September 1977, a probe called voyager 1 was launched into outer space. Its mission was part of the voyager program to study the outer solar system. It is the furthest man made object from earth in outer space.