15m 3sLenght

In 15 min Ole Therkelsen from the Martinus Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark, speaks on Martinus Spiritual Science and the role of spirituality in modern society. MARTINUS SPIRITUAL SCIENCE IN A NUTSHELL: Science has shown that changes in physical matter are bound by law. The Danish author Martinus (1890-1981) shows that there are also laws for thinking. Knowledge of these mental laws of nature will make it possible for people to gain command of their mentality and gradually create a global kingdom of love on Earth. MARTINUS INSTITUTE In 1932 an administrative centre, now known as the Martinus Institute, was established in order to ensure the availability of Martinus' literature in the original Danish and in other languages. It is non-profit making and responsible for the school at the Martinus Centre, Klint, Denmark. Martinus Cosmology is not the basis for any kind of sect or association. MARTINUS (1890-1981) Martinus, born in Jutland, Denmark, had a very minimal education and spent most of his early working life as a dairyman. In 1921 he experienced a spontaneous transformation of consciousness which enabled him to analyse life and describe its spiritual laws and eternal principles. Martinus writes in the preface to "Livets Bog": "I had become my own source of light. The cosmic baptism of fire through which I had passed - the closer analysis of which I cannot specify here - had thus left the fact that entirely new sensory abilities had been released in me, abilities that enabled me - not in glimpses - but on the contrary in a permanent state of awake day-consciousness - to apprehend all the main spiritu-al forces, invisible causes, eternal world laws, basic ener-gies and basic principles behind the physical world. The mystery of existence was therefore no longer a mystery to me. I had become conscious in the life of the whole uni-verse, and had been initiated into 'the divine principle of creation'". In addition to his writings, which provide a scientific basis for loving all living beings, his many symbolic drawings with explanatory texts help the reader to acquire an over-view of the cosmic structure of life. Martinus died in Copenhagen in 1981. "THE THIRD TESTAMENT" Martinus entitled his collected works "The Third Testament". It comprises his main work, "Livets Bog (The Book of Life)" in 7 volumes, "The Eternal World Picture", "Logic" and about 30 shorter works together with numerous articles published in the magazine, KOSMOS. Ole Therkelsen has written two books in English: 1. Martinus and the new World Morality. 2. Martinus, Darwin and Intelligent Design - a new Theory of Evolution Ole Therkelsen (born 1948) speaks and writes from his background as a trained chemist and biologist as well as on the basis of his life-long commitment to Martinus Cosmology. Since 1980 he has given 2000 talks on the Cosmology in fifteen countries in six different languages. Many of these talks may be heard on www.oletherkelsen.dk www.oletherkelsen.info www.martinusshop.dk www.amazon.com